Sunday, December 21, 2008

How interesting is this...

Now at a time where gift giving is dreaded by some and it's been a rough year for many, I found some really cool news today. It seems Baghdad has finally been able to celebrate their first public Christmas...check it out:

By Jill Dougherty CNN

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- From a distance, it looks like an apparition: a huge multi-colored hot-air balloon floating in the Baghdad sky, bearing a large poster of Jesus Christ. Below it, an Iraqi flag.

Welcome to the first-ever public Christmas celebration in Baghdad, held Saturday and sponsored by the Iraqi Interior Ministry. Once thought to be infiltrated by death squads, the Ministry now is trying to root out sectarian violence -- as well as improve its P.R. image.

The event takes place in a public park in eastern Baghdad, ringed with security checkpoints. Interior Ministry forces deployed on surrounding rooftops peer down at the scene: a Christmas tree decorated with ornaments and tinsel; a red-costumed Santa Claus waving to the crowd, an Iraqi flag draped over his shoulders; a red-and-black-uniformed military band playing stirring martial music, not Christmas carols.

On a large stage, children dressed in costumes representing Iraq's many ethnic and religious groups -- Kurds, Turkmen, Yazidis, Christians, Arab Muslims not defined as Sunni or Shiite -- hold their hands aloft and sing "We are building Iraq!" Two young boys, a mini-policeman and a mini-soldier sporting painted-on mustaches, march stiffly and salute.

Even before I can ask Interior Ministry spokesman Major-General Abdul Karim Khalaf a question, he greets me with a big smile. "All Iraqis are Christian today!" he says.

*Well Iraq, welcome to a never-ending plummet into consumerism lol but glad your children get to participate in the fun that is Santa and shiny things and non-violence this Holiday season...
For the full article, click HERE

Seasons greetings Head Casers!!!


A lil inside mi noggin..

My photo
Brooklyn, NY, United States
I'm blunt...and rather observant...DUH that means I should blog! I suffer from, no let me rephrase, I combat living with an AVM on a daily basis. An AVM is an Abnormal Veinous Malformation which affects about 250,000 people in the US ( It affects everyone differently, for me it's caused a constant headache since 2003...litterally. I've been in countless doctors offices, been poked and proded, been through the emotions of being misdiagnosed with a brain tumor. Needless to say, I've been through a lot and not just because of my...let's call it an ailment. Above all I've developed a less than common outlook on life and perception of things.Don't for one minute misconstrue, I'm in no way a victim, I'm self-sufficient almost to a fault and encourage others to turn their weaknesses into empowerment. It builds character and makes for one hell of a screenplay ha! That combined with growing up immersed in a semi-charmed world, and the glitz and glamour of Hollyweird leads to some interesting anecdotes...Here are my thoughts...

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